Running the Sahara is a documentary feature film that chronicles the Ray Zahab, Charlie Engle, and Kevin Lin's attempt to run across the entire Sahara desert. They traveled a total of 6920 kilometers reaching the Red Sea on February 20 2007.
Producers Marc Joubert, Keith Quinn, Larry Tanz and director James Moll filmed on location in Africa across six countries: Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya, Egypt. supported the film crew with the logistics throughout.
Directed by: James Moll
Narrated by: Matt Damon
Produced by: Marc Joubert, Larry Tanz, Keith Quinn, James Moll
Executive produced by: Matt Damon and Jim Van Eerden and Jack Gilardi, Jr.
Score produced by: Hans Zimmer and composed by Heitor Perriera
Music by: Pearl Jam, U2, Wyclef Jean
Edited by: Ricky Kreitman
Director of Photography: Harris Done
The Official Running the Sahara Website